Posts tagged sustainability
Fashion360 x RawAssembly - A Future of Sustainable and Ethically Positioned Fashion Businesses

At Fashion360, we believe the future of fashion is ethical and sustainable and encourage responsible practices in all of our programs. We are actively searching for ways to educate and empower our program participants to become change makers and apply these practices to their own professions. Hence why today we are excited to announce our partnership with RawAssembly.

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Conscious about sustainability? Then let’s talk about the sizing conundrum….

…there seems to be very little mention to the one problem many fashion brands experience, ill-fitting garments caused by generic automated grading of sizes which results in mass returns of merchandise exacerbated by the scaling and inclusivity concept embraced by Fashion businesses with little or no technical knowledge of garments and its relation to the diverse human form. One might ask then where most of these returns end up…

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